Volunteer Opportunities

St Edwards/St Paul’s Catholic Church community has the following ministries in our parishes and encourage you to participate. Please select a ministry for more information.

Home Bound Ministry
Purpose:  Bringing the Eucharist and companionship to those, because of their health, who can not attend Mass.

St Paul’s Men’s Group

Liturgical Ministers – Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Lector, Sacristan, Server
Purpose: Serving the Lord at Mass.

Prayers list
Purpose:  To have a prayer chain of many to pray for a specific need.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Purpose: A prayer shawl is a universal and embracing symbol of a hug from GOD for a person in need.

St. Edward’s Small Community Faith Study

Purpose: This group gathers monthly to pray, study, learn, and share their faith, though structured studies from various sources and readings, based on Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.